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Video Update + Merch Update

The video we've been working on since November 4th is for Prudence & Zack. It's titled "We Escaped Dress To Impress." Got this idea because of NonoGlow's comment on the crossover with our audience and Roblox. There is a lot of mystery and lore with this game so writing it was a lot of fun and diving into that fandom was wild lol! This is P&Z's first long video! So far, all our longer videos (Road Trip, Paranormal Activity) have been HUGE hits, hoping for the same here.

As for merch updates, I designed some new all-over print hoodies. Designs our based on the different colors of our channels/shows' logos. I've ordered some samples. I'm waiting for them to get here so I can test them out. I want to make sure they meet my standards before putting them up for sale. I can update you guys on that once they get here if you want?

This video should be out for the public December 7th, 6th for you guys. Have a good day!